Exercising in the heat

Exercising in the heat

Exercising in high temperatures can put an extra strain on the body. Try to workout as early as possible in the morning on a day when temperatures and/or the humidity is high. Wearing natural fabrics like linen and cotton that are more breathable will help avoid heat rashes and even overheating. Covering the head with a wide brimmed hat or cap, especially when it covers the face will help protect and keep you cool. Hydration is important, always take water with you and for higher intensity training electrolytes can help to maintain the balance of fluids in the body. Don’t forget to wear a sunscreen that is natural and chemical free, choose a reef friendly one that protects without harming marine ecosystems. Remember it’s ok to skip a workout sometimes too, practice mindfulness instead on a really hot day, arm yourself with a picnic blanket, a good book and find a large shady tree to lie down under!

NOTE: Stop exercising if you experience any of the following: lightheadedness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, sickness or blurred vision. Seek medical help if needed.

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