Nature helps to reduce inflammation

Nature helps to reduce inflammation

Many studies have linked positive emotions with nature, especially the feeling of awe we experience when touched by the beauty of nature, with lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Spending time outdoors in natural environments helps to lower blood pressure and can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. There is an increased awareness of the importance of Ecotherapy particularly with the practice of mindfulness. Spending time in nature can help to quiet our ‘monkey chattering mind’ an inner restlessness and distraction that plagues many of our daily lives.

Time spent in nature is associated with lower circulating levels of inflammation. Inflammation is the way the body protects itself and is an important part of the immune system. However, severe inflammation is linked to many age related diseases including arthritis and cancer. A new small study from Cornell University with 1,244 participants with an average age of 54 looked at the enjoyment of nature and inflammation. The study showed that more frequent positive contact with nature was associated with lower circulating levels of three different indicators of inflammation.

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