A Guide to Living Well
Boost gut health and natural immunity by consuming a healthful, wholefood diet full of vegetables, fruits, plant proteins, complex carbohydrates and good fats.
Note: Vegans don’t forget to supplement with Vitamin B12
Daily movement is essential, aim to follow the current government guidelines.
Spend time in nature whenever possible, forest bathing in local parks and greenspaces (follow government recommendations on social distancing keeping at least 2 metres apart)
If confined to home check out YouTube exercise clips and videos, there is a huge choice from Resistance workouts, Cardio based routines, Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi, Dancing and much more.
Practice daily meditation
Focus on the simple art of ‘living in the now’.
Sunshine is best
Public Health England recommends that the majority of adults should consider taking a daily supplement of 10 micrograms of Vitamin D during the autumn and winter months. Those who have little or no exposure to the sun and those from ethnic groups with dark skin should consider taking a supplement all year round.
Remember fish only contain Omega 3 because they eat the krill that eats the algae.
Recent scientific research published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics has confirmed that live probiotic Symprove successfully reaches and colonises the gut.
Use natural, chemical free products and include daily skin brushing.
Routine is essential
Practice sleep hygiene by having the bedroom a TV/Phone/Computer free zone
Keep the bedroom cool and airy
Use natural bed linen
Invest in an air purifier
Try a buckwheat pillow for extra comfort
Epsom salts are rich in magnesium and a bath before bed can relax both body and mind
Sleep masks and black out blinds are great sleep aids
A white noise machine is a wonderful way to fade out background noise, begin with a very low volume before gradually increasing a tiny amount nightly.