Curcumin and pancreatic cancer

Curcumin and pancreatic cancer

Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric may help overcome resistance to chemotherapy for those with pancreatic cancer.  A new study published in the journal Carcinogenesis, was carried out by researchers led by Ajay Goel, PhD, director of gastrointestinal research and translational genomics and oncology at Baylor Scott & White Research Institute in Dallas.

Curcumin known for many therapeutic properties, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and neuroprotective.  The researchers wanted to see if either alone or in combination with other conventional treatments it would be beneficial in the treatment of pancreatic cancer along with chemotherapy. 

Cancer stem cells are believed to be the main culprit in the development of chemotherapy resistance in the treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.  It is believed the cancer stem cells can escape chemotherapy and can be the main cause of metastasis.  The researchers found that curcumin helps block this chemoresistance and may also inhibit the growth and recurrence of tumours. 

"This is an important breakthrough that could lead to better prognosis and longer lives for patients with chemoresistant pancreatic cancer," said Ajay Goel. 

NOTE:  Carcinogenesis:  "Integrative Cancer Research is a multi disciplinary Journal that brings together all varied aspects of research that will ultimately lead to the prevention of cancer in man." 

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